Belle Ame means Beautiful Soul.
Beautiful souls create a beautiful world.
A beautiful world is the​
Belle Ame Dream
A new home for the Well-Educated Heart (WEH)
Our Mission
We are a community of families who are learning the lost art of
educating hearts through the Arts: music, visual arts, poetry, and story.
We seek to preserve a culture of faith, freedom, and family and
a love of the good, the true, and the beautiful.
How do I get started?
STEP 1: Nourish your own heart
Join Mothers of Influence
​In the free Mother's of Influence (MOI) community, you'll walk side by side with thousands of other women who are turning away from the hollow modern culture, and embracing beauty, refinement, and joy through the arts.
You begin by re-awakening your own heart; rediscovering beauty;
regaining your attention and desire for the good, the true,
and the beautiful. It's time to educate your own heart first.
Gather locally and online with other Mothers of Influence
Catch the vision with our free introductory course
Attend free classes, guest lectures, and live discussions

STEP 2: Fill your home with the arts
Become a member of Belle Ame at Home (BAAH)
​Belle Ame at Home (BAAH) brings you into a community of like-minded families who are nurturing their hearts through the Arts. The experiences in the BAAH community are a prelude to what will soon be offered at our Belle Ame Center for Artful Living Campus. Your BAAH membership provides the funds to build this beautiful gathering place.
As a Belle Ame at Home member, you’ll receive a monthly magazine filled with fine art, stories, and meaningful activities, as well as access to a wealth of programs like drawing and music lessons, storytelling, nature journaling, and wholesome cooking. These resources are thoughtfully organized to help your family slow down, connect with the Arts, and grow beautiful souls.
Choose from three membership levels to fit your family’s needs. One membership covers the whole family.

And you're building a campus!
Memberships prepare campus for you, and you for campus

Belle Ame Center Campus
A Center for Artful Living
Funded by Belle Ame at Home memberships, this 160 acre campus in northwest Missouri is your gift to your family and to a world desperate for beauty, peace, and joy.
The Belle Ame Campus is a place for Belle Ame members, who share the common culture built at home through the arts. Gathering in person with BAAH families feels like an instant family reunion!
The campus hosts programs and events for BAAH members, such as
Young adult apprenticeships and folk school experiences
Mothers of Influence retreats
Artful living conferences
Belle Ame at Home (BAAH)
Family Memberships​
/month or $348 annually
Everything in Explore, PLUS:
Biblioguides membership
Inspiration Stations with Marlene
Stories from professional storytellers
Nature journaling with John Muir Laws
Nature series audio stories
Art of Conversation
Poetry & quotes for copywork or memorization
Mentor-led teen clubs
50% scholarship to one WEH Academy Course
Register for campus programs
/month or $699annually
Everything in Basic, PLUS:
Drawing classes
Watercolor classes
Music classes
Storytelling classes
Wholesome Cooking classes
Science classes
Math classes
Crafting classes
Hand sewing classes
Machine sewing, including one quilt block per month
Knitting classes
Crocheting classes
Folk dancing classes
Audio library of stories from professional storytellers
50% scholarship to two WEH Academy Courses
Register for campus programs
Want to know more?
A welcome message from Marlene Peterson
"We do not need more material development,
we need more spiritual development.
We do not need more intellectual power,
we need more moral power.
We do not need more knowledge,
we need more character.
We do not need more government,
we need more culture.
We do not need more law, we need more religion.
We do not need more of the things that are seen,
we need more of the things that are unseen.
It is that side which is the foundation of all else. If the foundation be firm, the superstructure will stand."
Calvin Coolidge

What are people saying?

© 2023 by Belle Ame Center for Artful Living, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable organization